Il mondo femminile come risorsa
Ciao Steve
Mi sono svegliata con questa notizia che temevo di leggere da quando Jobs ha lasciato la Apple a fine agosto.
Sono molto triste, se ne è andato un grande uomo di cui avevo inserito mesi e mesi fa il suo discorso all’Università di Stanford che ha fatto “storia”. Lo ripropongo…
Ciao Steve Jobs, il mondo ha davvero perso un visionario!
Ma un comunicatore, no?
Insomma che hanno metabolizzato che la comunicazione è un processo inferenziale che si alimenta, sempre di meno, di apodittici comunicati stampa”
Mediatate gente, meditate.
La settimana della Comunicazione- Milano dal 3 al 9 ottobre
Cultura del web dentro le aziende italiane
Il manifesto si chiama Community First e tutti possono sottoscriverlo.
Cosa dire delle imprese edili?
Dedicato a chi, in questi mesi, conoscendo il mio lavoro, mi ha più volte chiesto di fare un articolo su magazines specializzati …..:))))
Una buona comunicazione via e-mail
2. Be Easy to Process
3. Choose Clear Subject Lines.
Subject: Re: re: re: re
Subject: Hello from me!
Subject: next week….
Subject: MY AMAZING NEW SHOW starts next week at the Vctory Theater at 113-86 Broad Lane, every night 8 PM 6/7–7/12
Here are some that do:
Subject: TED Partnership Proposal
Subject: Rescheduling today’s dinner with Sarah G.
Subject: Noon meeting cancelled (eom).
EOM means ‘end of message.’ It’s a fine gift to your recipient. They don’t have to spend the time actually opening the message.
4. Short Does Not Mean Rude!
5. Slow Does Not Mean Uncaring!
6. Abhor Open-Ended Questions
You don’t need to reply to every email. If I say “Thanks for your note. I’m in.” You don’t have to reply “Great.” That just cost me another 30 seconds. If you must confirm, put it in the subject line with an ‘eom’.
Cc:’s are like mating bunnies. Like Tribbles from Star Trek. Like spilling a tub of olive oil-coated spaghetti on a well-waxed floor. Like too many metaphors. Most of them are unneccessary, and they are hard to get rid of. The rule should be: for every additional cc, you must increase the time you spend making sure your outgoing email is crisp and that it’s clear who needs to respond, if anyone. And if you reply to an email, take care to ask whether you really need to include everyone cc’ed on the original email.
9. Speak Softly
DO NOT USE ALL CAPS IN THE BODY OF YOUR EMAIL. It’s rather like screaming at someone. And they’re hard to read – as are most unusual fonts and colors. Simple sans serif fonts like Arial, Helvetica, Verdana work best. If you want to add some zing to your emails, design a personalized signature tag.
10. Attack Attachments.
Don’t use them unless they’re critical. Some people have all kinds of graphics files as logos or signatures that appear as attachments at the receiver. Not cool. Time is wasted trying to see if there’s something to open. Even worse is sending text as an attachment when it could just as easily have been included in the body of the email and saved that extra click-and-wait.
If you send an invite to an event, it’s fine to include an attachment that announces it visually. But:
– If there is a URL, include it in text form so it shows up as a clickable link. Or make the whole image itself a clickable link. Not fair to expect someone to retype a url !
– Please include the location, date and time in text format so that the information can be quickly copied and pasted. That way it can quickly be added to a calendar. (And error free. You don’t want “The Knickerbocker Club, 7:30 PM, black-tie required” to morph into
11. Make it easy to unsubscribe
13. Don’t reply when angry
14. Use NNTR
15. Pay a voluntary email tax
16. Switch off the computer!
This could be the most important rule of all. If we all agreed to spend less time doing email, we’d all get less email! Consider… calendaring half-days at work where you refuse to look at email. Consider… email-free weekends. Consider… setting up the following auto-response. “Thank you for your note. As a personal commitment to my and my family’s mental health, I now do email only on Wednesdays. I’ll reply to as many as I can next Wednesday. Thanks for writing. Don’t forget to smell the roses.”
Geolocalizzazione e turismo digitale:in vacanza con un “clic”
Mi offrirò come Gigwalker per i prossimi progetti…..non sarebbe male!!
Piero Gaffuri, responsabile New media della Rai, ha appena pubblicato “Web Land” edito d Lupetti Editori .